Not all successful product flyer ideas have to be dramatic or busy. Try a simple design like this business flyer example made by Josh Caudwell. With just a few design techniques, they created a minimalist flyer that packs a punch!
The first feature you’ll notice is that the designer used a subtle color palette and realistic photos of the product to draw the reader in. Whether you’re launching a new collection or a single item, add product photos to your business flyer to captivate your audience.
People are drawn to pictures and they’ll be more apt to purchase your product if they can see it! The next element that makes this flyer background stand out is the use of a textured heading with a modern font for the subheading. The title actually appears to be made of fabric which gives it a creative look.
The minimal design also uses shadows to make the text and photos pop off the flyer so it doesn’t go unnoticed. Add dimension to your product flyer ideas for a visually stunning template that’s sure to grab readers.
Coming up with a great design idea from scratch is hard work! That’s why we have collected over 1000 infographic, flyer, brochure, poster and more examples in the Venngage Gallery to help inspire each and every designer.
Coming up with a great design idea from scratch is hard work! That’s why we have collected over 1000 examples of infographics, flyers, brochures, posters and more, to inspire designers of all skill levels.