Inspire your audience to travel the world by using design inspiration from this travel poster example. It features everything from illustrations to vibrant colors. You’ll captivate readers in no time by using images and illustrations that are eye-catching and reflects the beauty of the travel destination.
The designer also used a cheerful color palette that’s bright and evokes a whimsical emotion. You can also emphasize text or titles by using oversized headings or bold lettering. Adjusting the size of text is a great way to make details pop off the page.
This creative poster example features a modern font that’s easy to read and doesn’t take away from the illustrations. Promote travel by creating more posters with this modern poster example!
Coming up with a great design idea from scratch is hard work! That’s why we have collected over 1000 examples of infographics, flyers, brochures, posters and more, to inspire designers of all skill levels.