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20+ Checklist Infographic Templates for Workplace Safety, Health, Social Media Promotion and More

Written By

Jennifer Gaskin

Jennifer Gaskin

A veteran of newsrooms and agencies, Jennifer Gaskin is a writer, editor and designer who is the only living person not to have strong feelings on the Oxford comma. She's an award-winning practitioner of journalism and information design who spent the better part of a decade as the creative director of a digital marketing shop. As a writer, Jennifer contributes to a variety of publications while working with clients as well as taking on her own projects.

Published: Apr 06, 2021
Updated: Feb 20, 2025

Checklist Infographic Blog Header

If checking off the last item on a long to-do list gives you a thrill, it’s not just in your mind. The satisfaction checklists create is backed by science, and that’s why creating a checklist infographic for internal and external audiences can give your business communications an irresistible appeal.

According to The Guardian, checklists, whether sketched on a sheet of paper or formalized in an infographic, have been shown to reduce anxiety, improve performance and enhance time management.

Infographic checklists have a broad range of applications, including helping teams stay on track as they launch new products, ensuring a new hire receives all the onboarding training they need and engaging audiences on social media.

Let’s get inspired by taking a look at some of the many checklist infographics that can be created using Venngage’s Checklist Maker tool.

Want to learn more about other types of infographics? Read our blog on the 9 main types of infographics or watch the video below:

Click to jump ahead:

Workplace safety checklist infographic templates

While the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened awareness around things like workplace safety and cleaning, even in normal times, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is important and may involve legally mandated tasks. (Check out the responsibilities U.S.-based workplaces have here.)

The infographic below covers several aspects of cleaning and safety tasks, sorted by area and type of job. The use of yes/no checkboxes allows team members to see at a glance what’s been done.

Checklist Infographic Template Classroom Health & Safety

This enhanced cleaning checklist offers both tips at the top, ensuring people are using best practices, as well as including space for the cleaner to include their initials and the date and time they completed all the tasks.

Checklist Infographic Template Cleaning Job Aid

Health and safety checklist infographics for the workplace can also be useful for ensuring certain one-time tasks are completed. This example covers a pre-opening checklist for businesses to ensure they’re ready to operate in a COVID-safe way.

Checklist Infographic Template Business Reopening Staff Support

Consider customizing a template like this for infrequent but important tasks, like making sure the office is safe to reopen after a natural disaster.

Health and wellness checklist infographic templates

One of the biggest benefits of checklist infographics is that over time, the steps and procedures outlined can become second nature. In fact, checklists are considered one of the best ways to form new habits.

Health and wellness checklist infographics are excellent for ensuring that team members develop good habits surrounding their physical and emotional well-being.

This example is geared toward ensuring that remote team members are taking time to do adequate self-care throughout the day. Over time, the tasks go from items that need to be checked off to everyday parts of their lives.

Checklist Infographic Template Employee Health & Wellness

While this health checklist was designed for helping remote teams remain mentally and emotionally well, it’s easy to envision how it could be modified to help people create good habits in other areas.

Health and wellness checklist infographics can also be used to introduce new concepts or reinforce good practices that people may need refreshers on. Most of us were probably shocked to learn early in the pandemic that we weren’t washing our hands properly, and good hand-washing practices are the focus of this checklist infographic example.

Checklist Infographic Template Employee Hand Washing

Other checklist infographics related to healthcare can cover topics like quitting smoking, preventing disease spread and more.

Related7 Healthcare Infographic Templates to Use in Healthcare Settings

Checklist timeline infographic templates

Some checklists will need to coincide with specific timing. That could be a firm date by which certain tasks must be accomplished, or it could apply to a recurring set of tasks, like something that should be done weekly.

This timeline checklist infographic, for example, is designed to assign specific rooms of a house to be cleaned each week, but this approach could be applied to other regularly occurring tasks, whether at home or on the job.

Checklist Infographic Template Weekly Cleaning Schedule

In other cases, timeline checklists can be used to plan events far into the future, giving you a goal based on a range of time in which you should complete tasks. This example is focused on wedding planning, but an ideal business use case would be for creating a product launch checklist infographic.

Checklist Infographic Template Wedding Purple

Timeline checklists don’t have to deal with huge events like product launches or nuptials, as this example illustrates. In a world where most corporate communication is done remotely, it’s easy for meetings to spiral out of control and lose their usefulness. But a meeting checklist can help organizers ensure that their virtual meetings are on-point.

Checklist Infographic Template Nonprofit Virtual Meeting

Hiring checklist infographic templates

Hiring and onboarding new team members is an important and often expensive task. Being as organized as possible is one way of ensuring that the new hire not only feels welcome but that they are getting complete information downloads.

This HR onboarding checklist infographic is organized into five broad areas, many covering nuts and bolts aspects like making sure paperwork is in order, to overarching ones like setting goals and getting feedback on them.

Checklist Infographic HR Successful Onboarding Template

Using the checklist format ensures that all mission-critical onboarding tasks are completed, which is important when it comes time to pay employees, file taxes and do many other administrative tasks, especially for small HR teams where there are fewer people to catch mistakes before they become big problems.

Hiring checklist infographic templates are easily customizable using Venngage’s Checklist Maker. This example differs from the first one by including more utilitarian information, such as the employee’s name, job title, starting date and supervisor. This helps HR organize paperwork by making it easy to sort by hire date or department.

Checklist Infographic Template New Hire Onboarding 2 Pages

An approach like this would also be ideal for creating a company benefits checklist infographic that team members can use to ensure they’ve signed up for all applicable benefits, like paid time off, retirement plan matches and more.

Employee development checklist infographic templates

Once a person has been successfully added to a company’s roster, the HR needs don’t end there. That’s because every team member should have a development plan they work on with their supervisor. Checklist infographics are an excellent way of making sure goals are clearly stated and that everyone is working toward them.

Employee development checklist infographics can be designed from the perspective of the supervisor, as in this example. Detailed instructions are provided, and the process is broken down into four sections, though the checklist itself is just one page.

Checklist Infographic Template Healthcare Manaager Employee Development

Employee assessment checklists can come in longer formats, too, such as this one that offers several pages, separated by competency areas. On the last page, the team member and their supervisor will sign, indicating they’ve gone over the results in detail.

Checklist Infographic Template Health Employee Competency Assessment

Development and goal-setting don’t have to be boring. Gamify the task by creating a colorful checklist infographic. Gamification is a proven microlearning method to enhance training, learning and employee development, and this checklist infographic example is styled after interactive dashboards common in gaming.

Checklist Infographic Template Microlearning Yearly Gamified L&D

Team members with designs on advancing in their careers could benefit from consulting the leadership readiness checklist below. This self-assessment template could easily be customized for other areas of employee development, such as productivity or time management.

Checklist Infographic Template Leadership Readiness

Checklist infographic layouts can also be used to draw out responses from employees, as in this survey checklist template example. The familiar checklist format ensures no question goes unanswered, and the results can be easily tallied to generate data-driven analysis about team members’ satisfaction in their jobs.

Checklist Infographic Employee Satisfaction Survey

Content checklist infographic templates

We believe in checklists here at Venngage, and this very post was developed using a content checklist. Make sure everyone is working off the same playbook by creating content checklist infographics for your marketing team.

Content checklist infographics are useful for teams whose strategies are in their early stages. This example, which covers many types of digital marketing, is designed for nonprofits, but the format is easily adapted for any other organization still planning out its content strategy, and by adding sections or changing out icons, your specific content channels can be incorporated.

Checklist Infographic Template Nonprofit Digital Marketing

This infographic checklist for optimizing blog posts is simple to follow, which means it’ll be easy for the user to become familiar enough with that over time, it becomes a habit. It includes just seven tasks, and each one is clearly explained, so it’s perfect for new or relatively inexperienced team members.

Checklist Infographic Template Simple SEO Checklist

Images are content, too, and marketing professionals should give as much attention to visual elements as they do to the words they’re writing. An image optimization checklist is a perfect way to ensure SEO best practices are being followed.

Checklist Infographic Template Image SEO Checklist

Content checklist infographics are ideal even for more experienced teams. This example describes a monthly process for ensuring content is performing well on SEO metrics. Ideally, this process would become a habit, but until it does, the checklist helps team members ensuring all aspects are being covered.

Checklist Infographic Template Remote Monthly SEO

Printable checklist infographic templates

The physical act of checking the box when a task is completed is part of the magic of checklists. Studies have shown that for many people, writing tasks down by hand is strongly correlated with good performance. So, depending on the topic, creating a printable checklist infographic could be wise.

In this simple printable checklist infographic template, similar tasks are grouped together in order as well as by color, and every item on the list is described in simple terms. The design is excellent for printing, and you can easily customize it to reflect your company’s branding using Venngage’s My Brand Kit.

Checklist Infographic Template DACS Operational Audit Process

Long checklists are ideal candidates for printing, and this printable checklist infographic can even be printed in black and white because it contains few colors. Large icons help keep sections organized, which is helpful in a multi-page printed checklist.

Checklist Infographic ADDIE Model Worksheet

Social media checklist infographic templates

So far, we’ve talked mainly about internal uses for checklist infographics, but depending on your team and content strategy, you may have many opportunities to create social media checklist infographics for your audience.

This checklist infographic engages and empowers readers to set up efficient home offices. All the checklist items are simple and actionable, which helps make an overwhelming task seem achievable.

Checklist Infographic Template Home Office Setup

Keeping cool in emergency situations is difficult for anybody, but for those expecting their first child, the labor and birth process can make you forget any good sense you might have had. That’s why this checklist infographic is perfect for expectant parents, helping make sure the only thing they need to focus on when the time comes is a safe delivery.

Checklist Infographic Template Expectant Parents Hospital Bag

In summary: Engaging readers? Check. Encouraging good habits? Check. Keeping teams organized? Check. Checklist infographics? Check.

There’s a reason that grocery shopping checklists have been around since grocery stores were invented. They help you organize your thoughts, and they ensure you don’t forget anything (or get distracted by cookies) when you’re actually shopping.

That same utility is inherent in many types of checklist infographics, whether they’re used for internal purposes like HR and facilities management, or external uses like social media and content marketing.

Keep yourself and your business organized with checklist infographics. You can start creating one for free with our drag-and-drop Checklist Maker, using one of the templates above or choosing one from our hundreds of checklist infographic templates.

About Jennifer Gaskin

A veteran of newsrooms and agencies, Jennifer Gaskin is a writer, editor and designer who is the only living person not to have strong feelings on the Oxford comma. She's an award-winning practitioner of journalism and information design who spent the better part of a decade as the creative director of a digital marketing shop. As a writer, Jennifer contributes to a variety of publications while working with clients as well as taking on her own projects.