Don’t let your real estate flyer ideas fall to the wayside! Turn them into a creative business flyer design like this flyer example from Venngage. This real estate flyer design utilizes several unique elements that you can incorporate into your template.
For example, take a look at the use of a background image that’s set in grayscale. This is so that your message doesn’t get lost in a busy flyer background.
The designer also used semi-transparent shapes to make the text stand out from the photo. The shapes are accented by bright blue color blocking which brings focus to the text.
This business flyer design integrates simple icons that draw eyesight down towards the list. Without the icons, that text could get lost even with the bold colors.
Take it one step further and add bullet points as in this event flyer design! By integrating bullets for a list, you can emphasize specific details without it looking like a jumbled mess. Design unique real estate flyer ideas with this unique business flyer example!
Coming up with a great design idea from scratch is hard work! That’s why we have collected over 1000 infographic, flyer, brochure, poster and more examples to help inspire each and every designer.
In the Venngage Gallery, you can find everything from a timeline infographic, to an event poster and everything in between.
Coming up with a great design idea from scratch is hard work! That’s why we have collected over 1000 examples of infographics, flyers, brochures, posters and more, to inspire designers of all skill levels.