Produce a light data map chart and more with this Equal Area US Map Chart Template. It features an analogous color scheme, shapes, and a subtle font that you can personalize within minutes for the perfect chart. Keep the Equal Area US Map Chart Template simple yet interesting to look at by utilizing an analogous color scheme. You can create a new analogous color scheme with the color shades you want, or pick one of Venngage's automated color palettes. For a more professional map chart, consider using shapes to frame the text so it jumps out at the reader. Venngage has an array of shapes from squares to circles, and in a variety of styles, so don't hesitate to try out different shapes to perfect your chart. When it comes to the content, ensure that it's readable by selecting a subtle font. You'll find a plethora of subtle fonts in the Venngage editor tool, so choose the one that works for you. Begin customizing the Equal Area US Map Chart Template now!