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Emergency Evacuation Plan Template

Emergency Fire Evacuation Plan Template

Designing an evacuation plan can be a daunting task. Make it easier by customizing this emergency evacuation plan template.

By Venngage Inc.
  • 100% customizable templates
  • Millions of photos, icons, charts and graphics
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An emergency is a critical situation that requires immediate action. It is an unexpected and dangerous event that requires close attention. Emergencies can happen at any time. Some common emergencies include fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and shootings. Especially in a pandemic, preparing for potential emergencies is essential. Make sure you have a plan at the ready in case you need to evacuate your home or workplace. Be sure to have an emergency kit containing food, water, and first-aid supplies. And most importantly, stay informed and follow the latest guidance from health officials. There are three types of evacuation: horizontal, vertical, and hybrid. Horizontal evacuation is when people move away from the immediate danger area, such as evacuating a building due to fire or moving to a safe location during a tornado. Vertical evacuation is when people move up, like evacuating to higher floors in buildings during fires or searching for higher ground during floods. Hybrid evacuation occurs horizontally and vertically; an example would be evacuating a building and relocating to a safer place nearby. Emergencies can be very stressful and overwhelming. It is