Handling customer problems and fixing service issues is crucial to the long-term success of a business organization. By making customer service a priority, you can win the loyalty and support of your customers. Did you know that 15% of customers will stop doing business with a company that doesn’t provide them with enough customer support? With the advent of social media and modern customer-centric policies, getting the allegiance of your customers is more important than ever. In these modern times, customers expect a certain level of personalized service and priority. Especially in the age of social media where a simple customer complaint can go viral in minutes, taking care of your customers and keeping your reputation pristine has never been more important. According to a survey, it takes 5 positive experiences to make up for 1 negative customer experience. Because of this, getting intensive training for customer service staff has become a priority for many companies and businesses. If you are a business owner who wants to retain your customers while gaining new ones, you will benefit from doing training for customer