Make a basic training checklist and more with this Healthcare Assessment Training Material Checklist Template. The checklist can be completely edited, including the subtle color scheme, professional font, and bold text. Subtle colors are great for keeping the focus on the text of the checklist. Create your own subtle color scheme, or select one of Venngage's hundreds of quality color palettes and apply it with a simple click. When it comes to the content, make sure your training checklist is easy to read by choosing a professional font. You'll find a vast collection of fonts on Venngage, including professional fonts so don't hesitate to try out different fonts. Another way you can enhance the content of the Healthcare Assessment Training Material Checklist Template is by using bold text. Add bold typeface to the headings so they're more prominent from the body content. Do you have questions about the training checklist template? Click on the chat icon below and we'll be happy to help!