Live Entertainment Event Program Template
Give guests an impressive event program and more by customizing this Live Entertainment Event Program Template!
100% customizable templates
Millions of photos, icons, charts and graphics
AI-powered editing features
Effortlessly share, download, embed and publish
Easily generate QR codes for your designs
- Design stylemodern
- Colorsdark, vibrant
- SizeCustom (408 x 1056 px)
- File typePNG, PDF, PowerPoint
- Planfree
Bring your event to life with our Live Entertainment Event Program template. Incorporate high quality stock photos, update the color palette, and find the perfect font with a click of a button with this completely customizable template. Use Venngage’s library of high quality stock photos to bring your Live Event Program to life, simply click on photos in the left hand column, and search by keywords such as magic, music or dancing. Drag the thumbnail over your design to instantly replace the default photo. With our premade color palettes, you can easily change the background or font colors. Don’t like what we’ve suggested? No problem; it’s really simple to pick your own. Look for the drop icon in the top navigation bar. Find a font that fits your event by selecting the text you want to change, and scrolling through our extensive font library found in the top navigation bar. Once done, simply publish and share your program, or upgrade to download. Venngage also has templates for posters, invites, and flyers to help you make your event is a success.
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- Event