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Smartphone Applications Infographic Template

Smartphones Infographic Template

Tell people which mobile apps are better by editing this Smartphone Applications Infographic Template

By Venngage Inc.
  • 100% customizable templates
  • Millions of photos, icons, charts and graphics
  • AI-powered editing features
  • Effortlessly share, download, embed and publish
  • Easily generate QR codes for your designs

Produce an innovative applications infographic and more with this Smartphone Applications Infographic Template. You can fully edit the infographic, including the photo, charts, and professional color scheme. Photos are perfect for pulling the reader in and will make the Smartphone Applications Infographic Template more interesting. There's a large collection of high-quality stock photos on Venngage, or you can use your own and upload them with a simple click. Another way you can make the data and information more clear is by integrating charts. Venngage has you covered with an array of charts that you can use from bar charts to pie charts, so don't hesitate to choose the charts that work for your applications infographic. Tie your design all together by incorporating a professional color scheme that fits with the photo and the charts. Venngage has ready-made professional color schemes to pick from, or you can personalize your own color palette for the infographic. Begin customizing the Smartphone Applications Infographic Template today!