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Pink Minimalist Scholarship Program Flyer

Cerise Red Scholarship Program Flyer Template

Help spread the word about the Pink Minimalist Scholarship by designing a beautiful flyer to inspire future scholarship recipients!

By Venngage Inc.
  • 100% customizable templates
  • Millions of photos, icons, charts and graphics
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The Pink Minimalist Scholarship Program Flyer is designed for educational institutions, non-profit organizations, or any group that wants to promote a scholarship program. The flyer targets students who are looking for financial aid to pursue their academic goals. The minimalistic design with a pink color theme attracts the attention of the target audience and ensures that the information is conveyed effectively. The content on the flyer should include details about the scholarship program, eligibility criteria, application process, and deadline. The flyer can be distributed online or offline, depending on the communication strategy of the organization.