Make a stunning brand guide eBook and more with this customizable Online Marketing Brand Style Guide Ebook Template. You can easily modify the eBook template with images, a pattern, and a bright color palette so it's exciting to read. Insert images to help readers visualize the content and to hold their interest through the whole Online Marketing Brand Style Guide Ebook Template. The Venngage gallery is loaded with amazing images that you can add where you want and can resize to suit your preferences. Apply a background pattern to achieve dimensions in the brand eBook. There's a large collection of patterns available in the editor tool, so don't hesitate to try different styles until you get the perfect look for your eBook. Put the finishing touches on by applying a bright color palette that maintains people's focus. Venngage has hundreds of eye-catching color schemes, including bright color palettes, or you can opt to make a new one. Not quite the eBook you had in mind? Check out Venngage for more innovative eBook templates!