Compose a contemporary marketing eBook and more with this editable Blue eCommerce Lead Generation Ebook Template. The report template is simple to customize and features a pattern, images, and a modern color scheme. Start out personalizing the Blue eCommerce Lead Generation Ebook Template with a pattern to give the eBook layers. There's all kinds of patterns available on Venngage that range from shapes to stripes, so don't hesitate to try out different styles for the perfect eBook design. Insert images to help break up the content and keep people reading the marketing eBook. Venngage has thousands of images you can use, change the size, and frame with shapes for a crisp look. Tie it all together by incorporating a modern color scheme that works well with the images and accents the pattern. You can either design your own color palette, or pick one of the automated modern color schemes on Venngage. Begin customizing the marketing eBook template today!