Design a fun guide to coffee brewing with ideas from this coffee poster example. Not only does it double as a process infographic but it features a fun and innovative design.
The designer of this modern poster example utilized images for each step throughout the coffee brewing process. This helps break apart large amounts of text and keeps the reader focused. It also has maps and icons for a more unique style.
You’ll also notice that the designer chose an earthy color palette that makes sense and works with the theme. Follow it up with a modern font for readability and make certain details pop by adding bold headings. Use this creative poster example for design ideas in your future posters and flyers!
3,012 × 4,016 px
Coming up with a great design idea from scratch is hard work! That’s why we have collected over 1000 examples of infographics, flyers, brochures, posters and more, to inspire designers of all skill levels.